Sunday, January 30, 2011

Panoramic Frames 11.25x 38.25

A awards: D

Hello!, I have to tell you something and schemes have been so fortunate to receive another award, it is my third prize! I do not believe it.
This award concecido me to someone to read my last text, which is a sad bit different, try to give me strength and I invite you to stop by his blog and follow him to see that there are beautiful things in life, and why the prize has given me has been: " On how to write & make life so special feelings with its text, " I have to thank this award and these words to NiaiN and his blog Silence expressed (you have to visit it is great), truth of heart A big thanks:)

Rules of the Game:
* thank who gave it to you
NiaiN (Jonathan)
* Put a link to your blog
* Share seven Ti things about
1.Me love rainy days with a blanket on the sofa, popcorn and my favorite movie
2.Pienso that my eyes are really pretty when I cry.
3.Me like red lipstick.
4.Me like reading an interesting book on a Saturday either in bed before falling asleep.
5.Tengo a box full of lipsticks, eye shadows and other cachibaches makeup;)
6.Tengo the mania of looking out the window when I'm depressed, bored or overwhelmed.
7.Quisiera live a season of my life in U.S. or Australia.
* Give the award to 15 bloggers who've recently discovered and announce the awards .
illusion contained ....


Friday, January 28, 2011

Uses Yogurt Machine Taylor

everything has an end

Have you ever felt like you hit the gap in a hurry without having nothing to grab ?
Well, I have that feeling in every second of my life.
There is not a second that we do not feel hopeless anguish, to look where you see all black look without any kind of light or hope, that is not influenced by any force to help me move forward.
Because when you fall you wake up and feel proud to have had the opportunity to have been wrong, but when you woke up many times before the time comes when you fall you do not get up ...
Confienza I lost in myself, I do not want , yes you read I do not want is more not stand me,
every morning when I wake up would be able to break the mirror so as not to see that reflection that I pursued every day. And now I can say that I can only . It's over. This time I can not rise , not want to get up, I'm tired of getting up to shoot me again, and it's clear that no good, not worth it, worth more than any I, my curly hair is disgusting, every day I have more pronounced curves, I'm a rolling stone and I'll always be, because I'm always going to have to settle to see how others are happy while I spent the best years of my adolescence and youth died alone and bitter disgust among some four walls listening to an old song.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wedding Card Border Design Hd

Disney is to blame for everything.

From small only teach us to believe in love, to believe that someday we'll look at our prince charming and that he will be in love with us, but we showed that this does not always happen not taught us that there is something called "bitches" who always get in the way or not taught us that the princes are not always blue but will sometimes jerk at its purest.
not taught us that if you're not prettier than half of "The Little Mermaid" or "Bella" or "Snow White" you better Ovid princes and even toads, because all that inner beauty is another lies told us. Why
... Hospitals do not have you noticed that there is no story that ends badly, or does one in which the prince is a thistle or she is "the ugliest princess of the kingdom"?
All the stories end with happy ending, in which the most handsome prince falls in love with the most beautiful princema just see it once, and what the fuck about the personality? "That only weighs 20 kilos and have a good pair of boobs? and over for the only story in which a beautiful girl falls in love with a beast, the beast at the end of the story turns out to be! a blond with blue eyes! Comes not fuck with me!
Instead of all this crap we should have taught that beauty does matter , that inner beauty is a big lie, the bloody prince charming there but not blue or green or pink or any color that you can pass through the mind, that love is just a commercial invention and a fabrication to buy religious church that was invented for people to marry and so we can make love in every corner. But most had to have taught us that happy endings if you are a true story .
Why happiness tamcopo exist, everything in life is a real shit.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

White Collarsixy Bigbooty

And again I lose. Blog Award

pierdo.Digamos again that I'm so used to losing for me, miss, is routine. Although each of my losses shows a part of me that is becoming bigger and makes me lose more forces to the point of thinking that right now where I would feel really safe would antre my sheets.
Yes, my sheets are like a fort that protected and kept me warm, but isolated from the world above me ...
Because I can not anymore, 'm not sure where I will find the strength to keep going, because now I do not believe in anything or anyone and yet I still pray, do not know why or what or who, but I pray, waiting for something or someone to listen. ..
Because they say we get what we give and I can not remember what time I have given all this, and that we deserve and that we do not think I deserve anything that happens to me, but I still passed.

And each time I cancel more ....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Headphone To Red White Yellow


I have to tell you that Christina's blog: (which is a wonderful blog by the way I recommend that you go) has given me my first award at Blogger! and I'm super excited because just a couple of months I have blog and I have 28 followers (and I hope to have many more) and sweetest blog award:) I wanted to thank my fans for following me and Cristina for giving me this premiooo !
Many Graciassss!

Well, the rules of the award are:
- pass it on to ten bloggers.
- And not to put the rules Alvida
I I decided to give it to:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Free Samples Condoms No Cost

uoh! - Photo shoot

photos video shoot, and the previous days, that was a crash course on mapping video (about what to do and what not to do), about the millions of computers and cables as needed and keep track of, among other key lessons pa life.

Down, the guys preparing the study.

Below is a picture of a person concentrated trabajando, y de otras jugando con cƔmaras :P

Arriba, la guerra de los clones. ¿cual es el alumno? ¿cual el profesor?
Abajo, pila de amor.
MƔs abajo: el almuerzo vegan friendly.

More clones! Lu clone is a dummy. This picture clearly shows. Since we see the lu Blog is a genius.

"our fans beat up your dog fans"

Up, matias evidence of projectors. A medium version of mati ninja.

Raylene Richards Lesbienne


Can you explain what the hell did you think?. What do you think? "everything revolves around you? what you the navel of the world? because .... you're wrong, my boy. For if the world navel tubiera assure you it would I'm worth 1000 times YOU. And that I have always believed that there is nobody better than anyone that all are equal, though different, special and unique within our equality, but you're the exception that proves the rule, not YOU worthless.
Remember when I said I'd never be able to hate? because I was wrong, I HATE YOU , I assure you, and do not know how ... and this time I am right and you know why? For now YOU are the jerk and the most perfect and imperfect as it exists.
so ... FUCK YOU, BABY! :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Actress Showing There Boobs

Look Ma!

went on sale the shirt designed by Bruster Special for Look Ma blog. Is an issue limited, there are models for girls and boys and all sizes are available. Is at $ 350 and can be ordered here mensajesito leaving or sending an email to [@]

is also the facebook page of mojo! Come and be happy

Friday, January 14, 2011

Nadine Couch By Morgan


Yes, I admit, I like .

you let me surprise you?

is the only thing I'm sure . Well, that, and I know and that I want is to know whether you would be able to get my hopes ... Or better, if YOU can ilusionarte serious with me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Robbialac Colour Card

The Red My New Favorite Color.

18 days 18 days are the days I spent without seeing you, and if, as you see, I told you, and may also have had the minutes or seconds but then it would have made me much longer because after one second would have immediately came another and another and another ... and had been the second longest in my life, I assure you.
And I can tell much more. I can assure you that hate the number 18 for some time, I can assure you that I think most of what I want, I can assure you that I love you to be late every morning because you're always at the right time to keep me from sleep, but above all I can tell that from now on RED is my favorite color, because after 18 days when he was sure he could forget at any time, you appeared suddenly calling my attention with your red shirt ... and now also I can assure you that I myself am sure of anything ...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Dog's Nipple Are Getting Big

Uoh video! - Cosmic explosion contest T-shirts

I continue with the step by step video uoh. :) (See above the first post)
Once we knew what we were doing, and where it came from the research, talked about the idea and possible script for the video. We agreed to make a little history, more abstract than anything else on the big bang. Reference images for aesthetics them out of the NASA website, which definitely had to share, because they are all wonderful.

can say that the final version of the video does not have by far the script we had planned! xD but hey, these things happen when times are limited.

So here I leave you with some pictures:)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Letter Of Inquiry For A Wedding

Hello, 2011

four days.

four days and now I intend to on the ropes.


First of all, I think cojo, you come and punch without gloves.
Well, I like it.

Second, I'm not stupid.

Oh, yes, but I have my bright moments, and I notice certain things.
I can see clearly that behind your violent assaults, you're a blessing masked.

Third ...

Lie, no third, I like to list things, you moron! Do not know? Duh!


As I fell, thanks.

Here you have my other cheek, followed nomas ^ _ ^

Chinese Bang Hairstyle

Chau, beautiful.

Today my dog \u200b\u200bdied.

My first and only pet.

My life partner for most of his nearly 17 years.

was old, recently more and more fucked up, cost him all, a while ago because it came wrong and woke up unable to move and crying a lot.

chose not to continue suffering.

In the table looked at us as knowing, understanding everything, and was quiet.

stroked a lot.

died with his eyes open. Always guardian.

I kissed her on the back and said goodbye.

I will miss her very much, Shadow.