Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Robbialac Colour Card

The Red My New Favorite Color.

18 days 18 days are the days I spent without seeing you, and if, as you see, I told you, and may also have had the minutes or seconds but then it would have made me much longer because after one second would have immediately came another and another and another ... and had been the second longest in my life, I assure you.
And I can tell much more. I can assure you that hate the number 18 for some time, I can assure you that I think most of what I want, I can assure you that I love you to be late every morning because you're always at the right time to keep me from sleep, but above all I can tell that from now on RED is my favorite color, because after 18 days when he was sure he could forget at any time, you appeared suddenly calling my attention with your red shirt ... and now also I can assure you that I myself am sure of anything ...


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