And again I lose. Blog Award
pierdo.Digamos again that I'm so used to losing for me, miss, is routine. Although each of my losses shows a part of me that is becoming bigger and makes me lose more forces to the point of thinking that right now where I would feel really safe would antre my sheets.
Yes, my sheets are like a fort that protected and kept me warm, but isolated from the world above me ...
Because I can not anymore, 'm not sure where I will find the strength to keep going, because now I do not believe in anything or anyone and yet I still pray, do not know why or what or who, but I pray, waiting for something or someone to listen. ..
Because they say we get what we give and I can not remember what time I have given all this, and that we deserve and that we do not think I deserve anything that happens to me, but I still passed.
And each time I cancel more ....
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