Cito A Book (6) Interview with Claudia Gray
Hi, since you have not put a date, so today I come with a couple of quotes from the book Delirium. do you think? I like a lot ... the first is not ... it gives me the creeps and the second ... if you read the book, know referred to, but can also be applied to many aspects of real life:) Love: a word, a small thing, a word or longer nomayor the edge of a razor. That is what it is: a cuchilla.Corta your life for the center, separating everything into two, making it fall to unou other side. Before and after.
Before and after . But also for: an instant mayorni no longer than the blade of a knife.
Delirium, Lauren Oliver page 308
"Hate is not the most dangerous," he said. "It laindiferencia."
Delirium, Lauren Oliver page 369
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