presentation in Barcelona Hi everyone! :)
Yesterday, day 15 April was the presentation of Rebirth on the Fnac Illa (Barcelona). GRAY CLAUDIA it came from New York, who answered questions with great sympathy for Eva Rubio (of Youth Romantic) and other readers of the saga Midnight. I had the great fortune to meet Sue, Matt , Athena , Cris and Nebe . a really nice bloggers:)
When Claudia came into the room, then sat down, took out his camera and took a picture to the public. Eva Blonde began to ask things about books and their characters. It started with some questions which was the scene as "hottest" he had written and other questions like that. He also asked how he created the character of Vic, and said that in a very serious and everything that happened, he was the touch of joy.
Later there were the questions of readers. Nobody wanted to start asking questions. When the first girl raised her hand, Claudia asked her name and told him to put his name to the bride of Balthazar, the book he is writing about him (we'll have to see if it's true ... haha).
Before the signatures, we made a "surprise" raising all of its books, and she took another picture, recording the moment. And then the queue for signatures. We expect a lot, but we talked so no problem:) When we arrived we signed our books. Some wore one, others had the four ... xD but signed them all:) And finally we got a picture with the author ^ ^ I had never been to a presentation but I had a good (much in part by the bloggers I met) ^ ^
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